International Association of Shotokan Karate


Established since 1989

Hanshi Nicholas B. Adamou 10th Dan

The Chairman and Chief Instructor of the International Association of Shotokan Karate (IASK) is Mr. Nicholas B. Adamou 10th Dan who has been practicing karate since 1964 and T’ai Chi since 1978. He has co-authored two books with Kanazawa sensei on karate, both of which feature Kanazawa Sensei:  Karate Basics for Beginners and Kanazawa’s Karate. The IASK has affiliated clubs reaching as far as Sri Lanka. The Honbu Dojo is based in the UK.

“You are one of my best and most trusted students. Even if we part company, I will have the same opinion of you”.

Hirokazu Kanazawa 10th Dan
Chairman and Chief Instructor
Shotokan Karate International 8th Nov 1988

Training Since 1964

Interview with Hanshi Adamou

Find out more about Hanshi Nicholas B. Adamou's Karate History!

Feb 2022
Judan (10th DAN)
Feb 2012
Kyudan (9th DAN)
Feb 2003
Hachidan (8th DAN)
Jun 1995
Shichidan (7th DAN)
Oct 1989
Rokudan (6th DAN)
Oct 1983
Godan (5th DAN) from H. Kanazawa

First person to receive Godan in Great Britain under H. Kanazawa.

April 1978
Yondan (4th DAN) from H. Kanazawa

First person given authority to carry out gradings within H. Kanazawa's association.

Jul 1973
Sandan (3rd DAN) from H. Kanazawa
Jan 1971
Nidan (2nd DAN) from H. Kanazawa
Dec 1967
Shodan (1st DAN) from H. Kanazawa
Dec 1964
The Beginning

Joined the British Karate-do Federation headed by Dr. Vernon C. F. Bell

Honbu Dojo

The Harrow School of Shotokan Karate

Harrow Leisure Centre

Established since 1975

Venue (Dance Studio) with Hanshi Nicholas B. Adamou 10th Dan

Sat - Black & Brown Belts12:30 PM to 2:00 PM
Sat - Beginners & Above2:00 PM to 3:00 PM

Venue (Studio 3 (Conference Room) with Shihan Riza Yehiya 8th Dan

Mon - All Belts7:30 PM to 8:30 PM
Wed - All Belts7:30 PM to 8:30 PM
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